Friday, November 30, 2007

Words to live by ..

SGI President Ikeda’s encouragement to the Future Division

First, I would like you to be diligent in the practice of gongyo and daimoku so that you can lead a life of ultimate satisfaction. The Gohonzon embodies the supreme Law. No path in life is more rewarding than one based on chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo to the Gohonzon. I think you will gradually come to understand this as you grow up.

Imagine cherry tree. When spring comes, it bursts into full bloom. But if only a half or a third of its buds should blossom and be blown off by storms, then the full potential of that cherry tree’s existence is not being realized. We could say that this tree is unhappy. There are all too many people who, in a similar way, life out their lives without ever coming into full bloom.

However, a person who chants Nam Myoho Renge Kyo to the Ghonzon can realize his full ability, accumulate good fortune and enjoy happiness to the greatest possible extent, blooming and sending forth a fragrance, so to speak, ‘like a cherry tree in full bloom’.

Next you should respect and honor your parents. Both Nichiren Daishonin and Shakyamuni Buddha taught that this is important. At your age, I think, feeling responsibility towards your parents means that before everything else you do not cause trouble for them. One way you can avoid making them worry is to stay healthy and not become ill.

Another is to attend school diligently. Do no choose delinquents as your companions. Least of all, do not run away from home. Moreover, be careful not to get involved in traffic accidents. In any event, common sense in such matters is important. One could say that no one is as happy as the parents of good children who do not cause them needless anxiety. (‘Do not worry your parents’, p 31-31, Buddhism in Action, Vol 2)

The last of the ‘One Hundred and Six Comparisons’ says: “One must distinguish essential and theoretical, superior and inferior, in all things, even the swelling waves and the blowing wind”(GZ, p.869). This passage tells us that the essential and theoretical are to be found in our own lives, and that we must draw a distinct line between them.

“For example, when we are sleeping, we are in a ‘theoretical’ phase of our existence, but when we are awake, we are in the ‘essential’ phase. For students, whose job is to study, indulging in fun and entertainment is the theoretical, while studying hard is the essential. In addition, those who are studying with the sole aim of making money or gaining status are living only for themselves and are thus choosing a ‘theoretical’ way of life that is caught up in the pursuit of worldly things. In your case, as members of the student division, the essential is to be studying with a deep sense of purpose to develop yourselves so that you can contribute to kosen rufu.

Our real identity is that of Bodhisattvas of the Earth who have come forth to carry out the widespread propagation of the humanistic teachings of Buddhism. For us, the essential way of life is to dedicate ourselves to that endeavour. In contrast, no matter what kind of social status or position you may acquire later on, that is all just the theoretical. I hope you will never make a mistake about this.

The way that we can distinguish between the essential and the theoretical in our lives is by asking ourselves, ’Am I living for the sake of kosen-rufu and striving to do my Human-Revolution? Am I thoroughly resolved to realize my goals?’ The person who does this will triumph in life.(Jewelled Sword, p136-138, The New Human Revolution, vol.8)

All human beings have a good side and a bad side. From now on, as you grow, you will be having to choose which of these directions you will go in. If you pursue the positive side, the path of happiness will gradually open up for you. If you choose the negative side, it will inevitably eresult in a life of hellish suffering.

Therefore, at this point, whether you enjoy your studies or not, you must persevere with diligence and graduate from elementary, junior high and then high school. Afterwards, while you attend a university or work as members of society, you will come to understand for yourselves what particular path you should follow. (‘Do not worry your parents’, p 31-31, Buddhism in Action, vol 2)

Recently, we have seen a frightening tendency towards suicide among elementary, junior high and high school students. You must absolutely never take your own precious life, no matter what the reason may be. That would be the most cowardly, defeatist way you could choose. Buddhism strictly forbids destroying life, which is the vessel of the Law. Therefore, no matter how painful or disagreeable your situation may be, survive through it and triumph over it. I hope you will bear firmly in mind that this is the proper path for a human being. (‘Do not worry your parents’, p 31-32, Buddhism in Action, vol 2)

It is important that youth in particular activity seek challenges to forge and strengthen themselves. Those who enjoy material luxury from a young age and do not work hard cannot become people of outstanding character. They cannot become great leaders who protect the people. I hope that you will work hard, sparing no effort, and develop yourselves as indomitable champions, shaken or disheartened by nothing.

Young people in school should make study their first priority. It goes without saying that faith is important, but faith is something we practise throughout our entire lives. There is a certain period and age when we should study. If we don’t work hard during that period, we may fail to acquire important knowledge and skills, and we may come to regret it deeply later. Faith manifests itself in daily life. For young people in school, faith manifests itself in their studies. During this period, to devote themselves to study represents an important part of their practice of faith. (For Today and Tomorrow, SGI President Ikeda’s Daily Encouragements for July 11)

History is created by people. Each of you is a key protagonist of that endeavour. Don’t rely on others. Enact your own thrilling drama of creativity! Rise up resolutely! Break through the shell of your lesser self! A new age is opened by taking on new challenges. Advance and improve yourself day after day! If you become complacent and forget the spirit of struggle, only stagnation and defeat will await you. Resolve to become better than you were yesterday. Boldly win today! That is the formula for achieving total victory. (Soka University chapter New Human Revolution, vol. 15)

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